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The internal procedure regarding the protection of whistleblowers in the public interest

General purpose: This procedure is developed in order to implement the provisions of Law 361/2022 on the protection of whistleblowers in the public interest.

The purpose of the procedure is, on the one hand, to protect persons within REINERT who report, in good faith, facts that involve violations of the law, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 361/2022, and on the other hand, creating and maintaining a work environment in which REINERT employees are able to warn about possible abusive practices or bad administration/violations of the law with the certainty that the warnings will be treated seriously.

Specific purpose: This procedure describes the actions taken and the flow of documents starting with the receipt and registration of a warning in the public interest, until its resolution. This procedure encourages REINERT employees and partners to report information regarding any actual or potential violations of the law, as defined in this procedure.

1. Scope of the procedure

This procedure applies to all REINERT employees and collaborators, regardless of their employment, to all activities and in all departments.

2. Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this procedure, the terms and expressions below have the following meanings:


      b) The National Integrity Agency, hereinafter referred to as the Agency;


      c) other authorities and public institutions to which the Agency submits the reports for competent resolution.